Category: Yourself
Just remember the rainbow promised after the storm. They want to drag others that have no clue what is going on. It’s always best to stay away from them. Every action has a corresponding reaction. We need to think it through before we actually do it and then be prepared to follow it through. Is the …
Sometimes life makes changes for you. Change is growth. Always good, not always pleasant. Once you find your happiness within you the possibilities are endless. I’ve decided on many decisions that are going against the doubts I hold within myself, instead I’ve agreed to keep on going as low as I may feel now, l will …
Nothing stays the same forever, including bad times & it will work out . God didn’t bring you this far for it not to. Today I focus on everything that already is beautiful and worth loving in my life. ~ Mervi Huhtelin Faith is something you should never lose I should know I’m a cancer free and …
Your value increases when you realize your own self worth. You determine your worth. No one else can do this but you. Your inner worth will be based on how you value your self. If you think and believe that you’re priceless, then who could undervalue you. ~ Ace Lagasca Stay as you are & focus your good …
Be around with positive people that pull you up. Positive people who don’t try to use your weaknesses for their enjoyment. Sometimes the people who create all the pointless drama and cause you heartache are people who you cannot let go of. Unfortunately they are in your life to stay. ~ Samar Wasity Weep with those who …
We are always growing, changing and evolving to become a better person. With the support from good friends and family we become stronger. ~ Elizabeth Vargas I may learn the hard way, but I do learn. My past does not define me. Everyday is a new day. ~ Victoria Abrego Thank God, without him, I would have not …