Category: Yourself

Before you start to judge me

Never underestimate a person who always seems to be struggling or down on their luck. ~ Victoria Mack You want be in my shoes, long you will run as fast as the wind to get the my shoes off, but I am stronger everyday for living the life I have lived. ~ Sandra Daugherty  Difficult circumstances don’t mean …

Those people who betrayed you

Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn  Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us.  Heart is always pure …

At the end of the day tell yourself gently

Sometimes it is hard for us to appreciate ourselves from inside out. We blamed ourselves for being so stupid sometime. But still remind ourselves that we had tried our best already. ~ Bianca Chung Giving a good feedback to ourselves is one way of giving inspirations to do more good to our lives. We have to learn …

Beautiful has nothing to do with looks

There’s definitely too much emphasis on the outside and just like a book, you shouldn’t judge by the cover. Someone could be beautiful on the outside, but can be ugly on the inside and how they treat others. Looks fade over time, but the inside always stays and that’s what’s most important. Love someone for their …

It’s very Healthy to spend time alone

It gives one time for introspection ones own soul. Sometimes being alone is much less lonely than being with the wrong person. Solitude is a special moment you spend with yourself. It is then when you release yourself from the crowd. It’s either you read, study, ponder and even make a sincere and thorough conversation with …