Category: Yourself
There’s one, and only one, person in this world that can make you happy. The one you look at in the mirror each day. ~ Robert Hudson We must realize that within ourselves we hold the key to our own happiness. ~ Kelli Davis That is the reason we make huge mistakes in our lives, the only person …
We all have problems and issues. Just because you see a smile on someones face it doesn’t mean they are not crying inside. ~ Doris Colon We never really know what is going on in someone else’s life and what has happened in their life to make them the way they are. We can only ever try …
You just have to believe in yourself, as others believe in you. It seems hard to see the light at times, but it is there. It will come, just not always according to one’s own schedule. ~ Jared M Dellinger God gets done cleansing us we will be white as snow. And that a promise in …
For a blissful life, live without depending, love without pretending, listen without defending & speak without offending. ~ Jagdish Sadarangani Too many people who just sit and wait for good things to happen or to chase them. If you want something and you see something good you have to go out and get it or at least …
SMALL Minds discuss PEOPLE, AVERAGE Minds discuss Events, GREAT Minds discuss IDEAS, so those who spread rumours are having small minds, then YOU & ME are in a better position or higher if not in the highest level because we are discussing IDEAS and BRAINSTORMING for PROGRESS and SUCCESS, then who is much more BLESSED? ~ Grace …
I kept my promises, I cherished my love, I called when I said I would, I respected the confidences, I believe I earned trust however I didn’t get a chance to apologize for the mistakes (wrongs) I made. Don’t wait apologize today. Whether it’s accepted or not. Make the effort. Tomorrow may be to late. ~ Theanne …