Category: Yourself
I’m not self-centered, just self-conscious. ~ Unknown There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a reserved quiet person who is not attention seeking. Personally, I certainly wait until I feel I am with a trusted like-minded person before I reveal what I’m all about. That is not being fake, that is being smart. Close friendships take time …
Sometimes being yourself scares others, that’s their loss. Inside is a beat up person wearing a heavy shell around. ~ Margaret Hinkle Change isn’t necessarily wrong if you’re changing for the better. Don’t change so that other people will like you, change so that you will love yourself. Why be lazy or afraid of change? Strive to …
You build a wall and the good can’t come through. Put up a negative shield that the bad stuff bounces off and the good comes though. At least that’s what I try to do. ~ Kathie Williams This is how, throughout my long life, built fortress walls around my emotions that, while they’ve protected me throughout the …
Offering oneself is offering everything. Your attention, your affection, your concern, care, your time & your love. Anything as simple as just going to sit with someone to talk, help with some chores. Simple things truly do change life. ~ Jaime Harrington The one that says that loves you and still does it when one has nothing …
Don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong and ask forgiveness. ~ Jackie Hall Never speak bad about yourself and be kind to yourself that I find most difficult. It’s like I need to say it before someone else says it for me. ~ Anne Tickle Self care is your highest duty. You can only get good …
A good reason to give up bad habits. Negativity gets you nowhere. Always think positive. You must surround yourself those that you love with positive. Put a positive frame around so called negative things and you will see the magic in the moment. ~ Neil Sperling Just think about positive things so that there won’t be any space …