Category: Worthy
You really have to do it yourself, because while you’re waiting for someone else to do it for you, you might miss your own life and happiness. ~ Anne Heydenreich I deserve nothing but the best life. That’s my dream. The blue print, and a design that is specifically tailored for my life. Nothing puts a bigger …
If they’re talking about me, I must be doing something right. Out there on the skinny branches questioning those who don’t like to be questioned. They’re leaving someone else alone. ~ Valerie Meléndez Happiness does not depend upon getting other people’s approval. It depends upon getting your own approval. ~ Dorothea Hughes The only opinions which …
Rejection makes you feel terrible but, what I say is that they reject me because they feel threatened by me in someway and that is their easy way out making you feel rejected. ~ Tommie Gonzalez May be one is not destining to be with that person who rejected because you must be a gem which shine …
I am trying to love myself, with all my faults, but if so called ‘friends’ cannot see the good in me as well as any faults, is their love worth pursuing? Bullying comes in many guises and can hurt to the core. Emotional bullying hurts just as much as physical abuse. ~ Susan Bretherick It all …
Find yourself first and you will realize that you can be strong enough to face your life. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t waste their time on you.
So rare to find real friends nowadays. I don’t trust too many any more. Just because you hang out with so many friends also it doesn’t mean they’re true to you. You really know who’s real and fake. You just feel it, but do your thing and stay genuine because God always send you the right …