Category: Worthy
You can’t buy happiness you can’t buy love, it comes from within and from up above. Don’t need to go out in this cut throat, dog eat dog environment to get rich materially. I have my riches, roof over my head, food on the table and clothes on my back. I have my family and my …
Faith makes things possible. It hasn’t been easy but I can say I’m better today than last year this time. ~ Jeanie Measmer Enjoy the best things in your life because you ain’t going get to live it twice. ~ Raúl Lascano Anything or anyone worth having never comes easy and I’ve learned that when you get what …
Life is too short to spend time with the wrong person. Negative people = Negative energy. Use the good energy on people who you love and always stay with me. ~ Johann Gonzalez The secret for me is if I feel happy with someone, I stay. If they make me feel anything less than that I leave. Feelings …
Being disrespected repeatedly is not fun. It wears you down and breaks your spirit. You also must respect, appreciate & value them or walk away because if you can’t see the reason for treating them nice then they are wrong for you. ~ Debi Berryman Surround yourself with positive, successful people, and get rid of the negative, …
People need to educate them to appreciate the little things & life. Just do the best you can to teach them right. That material things is not everything & teach them to respect everyone around them & try to stay away from negativity. Teach them to be there for family, friends & others. The little things …
When you find that person don’t ever let them get away and if they do get away, go after them. True love never fades. Soul mates are forever. ~ Amanda Hope The tears could be from happiness, not because they hurt you. At the same time, it could be the tears that you hurt him or her …