Category: Wisdom
The ones that are worth keeping around are your true friends. They are with you through thick and thin. No matter what it comes good and bad is all will work for your own good and along the way you will meet the best people in your life. ~ Rose Howard Some of the people will bring …
When you stop letting other people cause you problems, and give it to God he makes sure you have who you are suppose to have and takes away the ones not suppose to be in your life. ~ Jocilyn Hall Since I’ve been sick many of my so called friends felt I didn’t have time for them …
Behavior & Character go hand in hand. Stillness and inner peace holds the key. Let no one steal your joy. You can’t change how other people act, you can only change how you respond. No good to go through life hating people. Some of the people don’t know you hate them and the one’s that don’t …
Don’t let the ego take us over. If you feed the ego in the right way (art, creativity, doing kind things) you can feed the soul. The problem is that most people on an ego trip don’t see that. ~ Chris Gudger Those with ego usually have no interest in the soul and they are the ones who …
It’s better to be alone than in bad company. Being with the wrong person can make you feel million miles away in the same home. ~ Susan Cooke Wrong people suffocates me and being alone is rather heavenly than be with them. ~ Myrna Anderson Being with the wrong person can make you more miserable then being alone …
Smart is believing only half of what you hear, genius is knowing which half. You’ll get the wrong half, that’s the who point of it, to deceive. A Half truth is a LIE. A truth waiting for the other person to ask “the right question” is a LIE. The truth is always uncovered sooner or later …