Category: Wisdom
It can be good again, better, even, on down the road. For that I am thankful. It is time to move on to much better things. ~ Christina Bice It’s time to do whatever it takes to let go & move forward; grieve the old, find the truth and embrace the new. I can no longer stay …
If you can’t tell me those words now, don’t bother telling me when I can’t hear it anymore. Life is unpredictable. Anything can happen in a blink of an eye. Yet people don’t value each other. Some parents wait until they die to leave what they have to their children instead of enjoying together while they …
Domestic violence taught me I was a strong woman when I thought I could not escape. I did and will never ever look back only forward. ~ Diane Costa I never let go of who I was and I think that’s what made me strong enough to break the cycle and never return to a life like …
Actions always prove whether words mean nothing. We should let our actions fit our words. Don’t tell me how great you are, show me. ~ David Velasquez Being told over and over that a “Promise is a Promise” but the actions are the opposite, proved this to me. ~ Ed Skinner Love is an action verb. Anyone can say …
There are things in Life that we should not forget like the lessons we learned along the way. ~ Cherry Regala Trying to keep myself in the present moment and grateful for blessings is my goal. ~ Kathryn Stokes When you worry too much, then stress and forget thing you need to remember. ~ Marjorie Leatua There is peace …
The lesson is to find a solution. I found one that worked well for me when I was going through a bout of insomnia. In the evening, right before you go to bed, do this: Write down the stuff that’s on your mind. It doesn’t matter if you write it on paper or into some software. …