Category: Wisdom
Smile is the beginning of a short conversation to everyone we meet. ~ Rose Pablo Go Out and share a smile. You never know who’s day it may make. It just might be yours. ~ Jimmy Torres A smile is free and the ripple effect is huge. ~ Linda Allen Forget about designer dresses, if you wear a smile …
I find this metaphor a ‘perfect’ analogy of life’s experience. Without the ‘black’, the trials, challenges, and heartaches, how can we have life lessons of maturity in life. Those are what helps us define our character and thus become resilient. ~ Minessa Balgos Its the happiness that gives meaning to the sadness and its the sadness that …
Everything that happens happens for the good. Nothing is ever just a coincidence here. Everything that happens is a part of a bigger plan, the plan of the Almighty! Everything will happen at the exact right time, at the right place and for an absolute reason. I have faith that God will give the best lad whom …
Actually the wise take a knife and cut a sandwich in half and eat it while the two fools hang and stab each other in the back. ~ Jarame Torbjörn There so many kind of fools. You can see them from a mile. I never let them step on my own turf and do not listen to …
We all need money to survive and pay for needed things or care for others. Material things are truly temporary. Love, spiritual life and where our spirits will be after we leave this temporary earth are the most important! ~ Annette Angel
Action speak louder than words!