Category: Wisdom

What’s the difference between I like you & I love you?

Like entails being fond of someone and enjoying their company or conversing with them. Love entails having strong feelings for someone with all the symptoms of like but an added factor where it is impossible to imagine your life without it. Love can be subjected to family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, passion, hobby, profession etc. When you say ‘I like …

A wise person knows whether to say it or not

Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it. As they say sometimes it’s best to say nothing. Intelligence is acquired knowledge, while wisdom is applied knowledge. How do you categorized yourself, smart or wise?  A smart person has something to say. A stupid person just has to say something. 

When you stop making excuses

Maturity is learning to forgive. Lend a helping hand & also try to understand peoples’ need. It also comes when we accept responsibility for our action. stop blaming others for the outcome in our lives and make the necessary changes to fix things. ~ Dorothy Beek  Maturity comes when you stop listening to ignorant people and make …

If you are giving your all to someone

No one can make someone love them, either they do or they don’t, “Love doesn’t hurt but loving the wrong person does.” Why waste your time and energy on someone whom you think needs the kind of love you have to offer or that they may be your soul mate.” If it’s not returned its not …