When you learn to accept an apology you never got

When you learn to accept an apology you never got

Forgive and try to forget.

An apology you never got, then it is time to walk away and stop being used as a doormat. ~ Janine Griffin 

Apologies make you feel better. We don’t always get them from the people that hurt us the most. ~ Nicole Davis 

Life goes on. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Live it. We only have one life so, don’t worry about things like that. Karma will take care of it for you. Just move on. ~ Rose Thornton

Forgiving the other person does not only mean he/she asked for apology of what she/he did to you. Forgiveness is a decision.

Broken hearts tend to weigh heavier on the soul than feeling the emptiness of something you really deserve that you’ll never get. ~ Jennifer Wigal 

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