When they want something they are as sweet as pie.
It’s time to move on. Don’t waste your time on people that isn’t willing to waste their time on you.
There’s always someone who deserves you out there that will treat you right and make you happy.
Don’t ask to people to act correctly with you. Don’t think people will be fair with you because you was fair with them. It’s like asking a shark to be fair with you. ~ Alain Verreault
It hurts even more when these people who are supposed to care are the closest people in your life, your parents and your close siblings. They expect you to care about them forever. You are taken for granted for some reason. ~ Alby Menicatti
Once you understand & accept the people in your life who are self absorbed or simply just don’t care that then is when you learn to depend on yourself. Care for yourself and the magically you make room for a few true blues who really do care. ~ Daphne Johnson
It is none of our business what people think of us. We cannot change another person’s actions or anything about them. We can only change how we act and pray for those people. It is the most powerful thing we can do for them!