Category: Trust
When you stop letting other people cause you problems, and give it to God he makes sure you have who you are suppose to have and takes away the ones not suppose to be in your life. ~ Jocilyn Hall Since I’ve been sick many of my so called friends felt I didn’t have time for them …
Give me the beautiful lie and you can keep your ugly truth. What you don’t know won’t hurt you. No truth = No respect = A waste of time Truth is always the best way to go in life. Sometimes the truth hurts and sometimes it feels real good. ~ Marlizper Centinales There is no comfort in …
Smart is believing only half of what you hear, genius is knowing which half. You’ll get the wrong half, that’s the who point of it, to deceive. A Half truth is a LIE. A truth waiting for the other person to ask “the right question” is a LIE. The truth is always uncovered sooner or later …
Eyes are the windows to the soul. When I look in women eyes and talk with her eyes, I feel that I’m the most happiest man in the world. ~ Unknown Outer beauty is just a skin deep, inner beauty is everlasting. ~ Bethlea Muhammad Why people don’t make an effort to look directly into someone’s eyes. …
To have love, you have to have trust. To believe you have to have faith. To live you have to be able to breathe. So if you don’t trust, or have faith and you have to smother the other person to soothe your insecurities, the relationship will wither and die as if you smothered it. ~ Barbara …
Those who gossip to you will smile, make gestures & gently touch your hands. Avoid eye contact as much as possible. They will be in seventh, heaven, dolloping all their dull existing boring life. For sure they will walk away, unhappy, why? Because they feel they didn’t tell you enough or you didn’t listen enough. So …