Category: Trust
A healthy relationship adds to your life, not takes away. A healthy relationship desires that two people share these things. A healthy relationship facilitates and fosters togetherness, not independence. Two halves don’t make a whole. Two whole people make a relationship. ~ Kim Alcala When you spend some time apart on truly separate interests (say he goes to football …
Some people are meant to be in your life to make sure you don’t act the way they do. Real trust is like when going to a restaurant: You place your order and just wait. Once is ready it will be served to you. You do not usually go to the kitchen and tell the cook …
Silence is Golden. Say this all the time just sit back & watch. Eventually they hang themselves. Watch every words that comes from your mouth. It’s a lifetime reflection of who you are. One must learn to bridle his or her tongue. Like what an old saying goes – Loose lips sink ship. Whatever anger’s you …
Just don’t hold your loved ones hostage trying to figure you out. Riddles can turn hurtful and tiresome, so trust the loved ones, be real and say what you mean. ~ Sally Laporte How can someone hurt you feelings when your feelings come from you. Took me a while to figure that one out. It made me …
Not good to keep those things in your life that drag you down. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and things. If you know what’s right from wrong you could sense it right away if you need to stay or leave. I always trust my gut feeling, it’s God’s way to protect me from harm. …
Let go of the idea of what you want and be open enough to embrace so much more than you ever expected. Settling for what is easy is more often than not disappointing and not as sweet. ~ Alyce Brown My father once told me of a trick question he used in a college class on forest fire …