Category: Trust

The Best people in the world

Most of the time people walk into someone’s life with the intention to destroy, by acting life they want to be your friend and before anything, they already know your sadness, your happy moment, without telling your pain, they already know that something is wrong, just to find a word from you about your situation so …

If you feel in your Heart that something is wrong

It just like taking a multiple choice exam if you are not certain about the answer always trust your gut. The first choice is usually right. ~ Dennis Dobrick  We have been trained not to listen to our gut. So some people override the instincts that God gave to a mouse and interject their fear that they …

True Love does exist

True love exists everywhere. Both parties need to want it and work at it. Not give up. ~ Missy Joe Couples who stay committed to each other wants to make it work. It needs patience, love, understanding & forgiveness. Without all it wouldn’t be possible to last to the golden age. ~ Linda Martial  True love does exist. …

A clear rejection is always better

It hurts for a shorter time than being lied to and eventually finding out. ~ Paula Lundquist Don’t say promises that you cant keep and do. Just letting the other person hold on something that can’t be done and that’s totally unfair. Being true even if it will hurt the one you love is more acceptable, being …