Category: Trust
Letting go and trying very hard to just live for today. Trying to let go of the past, and not think about the future. Put my dreams to rest for now. ~ Moira Spooner My motto is don’t have expectations, that way you won’t be disappointed. ~ Lea Hahn
It’s an unfortunate way to have to learn who really cares, because that can be more painful than the storm itself. Know one is exempt from life’s storms, people need to think about what they needed/wanted from someone that cares when they were going through one of life’s storms. ~ Julie Wellisley You know who your …
Pray because that a sure thing for your soul!
The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. So many times, people wanting to sound so positive are actually just postponing the inevitable and the tragedy of the outcome is coming at them like a freight train. It is better to have courage and take a firm stand …
In the end of your time here on earth we all will find out it was never between you and them, what you have given from your heart it was between you and God so keep loving and giving! ~ Marie Quick When you really have a good heart, no matter how hurt you are, you’ll always …