Category: Trust

Be patient & trust in the process

Keep the Faith always, until the right time has come. We can’t know how easy it is, until we try. Faith is miraculous!  The highest purpose, in our life comes through with what we believe from the heart not in what our eyes see and interpreted!  My policy in life is to wait patiently and trust …

Never lie to someone who trusts you

There is never any reason to lie. Lying is a choice not an accident. Always respect the person enough to tell the truth. Living a life with lies will not be easy. Maybe eventually this person cannot make a difference between truth and lies. Who wants to be living with this person or be family or …

One day someone will be 100% honest with you

The problem is too many people choose to love for every reason “but” honesty and they try to destroy people who are honest with them. Overlooking dishonesty for security, materialistic things, and other reasons. Loving forever comes when you are honest with yourself first. ~ Mike Sorrells    Relationships have become too much about convenience and people …

Use your heart for love

If you are kind to people and grateful for what you have, nothing can go wrong.    If we can see God will always ask of us to do something that we don’t want to even to go back to someone that hurt you so badly to humble yourself and make right with that person because …

Let go of the negatives so they become positives

Let go of the negatives so they become positives!   Trust the universe! You will never know that you really can trust the Universe, until you can let go and trust. Once you have experienced the Universe responding to you, you will begin trusting more and more. Ask for the highest good for all concerned and …