Category: Time
Don’t waste your time or even ruin your day with things that it cannot help or make you happy or even complete. ~ Ramz Nepacina I better watch out for people that don’t like me or they can bring me down. People who love me can protect me. It is though, my job to monitor my …
Life doesn’t always give people second chances. Tell people you love them while you can, you never know when it’s too late. Sometimes doing it tomorrow never happens. Tomorrow turns into days, then days into months, months into years. Just do it or try. ~ Joanne Finn You can’t measure ” time “, it’s is just an …
Never lie no matter how difficult the topic is, trust and communication is everything. Having time is very important but not “all the time” instead of five rule’s there is only one and that is “TRUST”. I’ve got all Five, 100% under control. 1. Forever 2. Unconditionally 3. Everyday 4. Never 5. Always Thank you, God, …
Our life is not tie to people who walked away from us, to know that is a truth that make us free. ~ Yesi Morales Sometimes you have to walk away to be good to yourself. What’s left behind deserves to be left behind in many cases. ~ Thelma Corpas Sometimes it is just nice to drop all …
You don’t need their approval nor do you need them to understand, just be true to you. ~ Deanna Painter They are not in fact misunderstanding you, they are trying their best to make you doubt who you know you are. ~ Donna Davis The more you know who you are, and what you want, the …
It’s good sometimes to listen of some advises around you but you have to choose your own decision not from others. Try to Stand by your own two legs alone. No need backups. Try to ask God. He is the real truth and the real way. ~ Precious Gina You have to live you life and do …