Category: Time
Don’t argue with idiots people. Sometimes silence is more powerful and precious than words. When there’s nothing more to say, there’s nothing more to say. Silence is deafening. ~ Kimmie Dawn Silence is a way of killing, but without getting your hands dirty. I would rather remain silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove …
Rejection is God’s protection. When one door closes another door opens. Negative vibes are sent off; as you attract the positive. Every adversity is a Stepping Stone to Success. Rejection is one process where in your faith and trust to God is tested. Trust God and acknowledge Him in all your ways, comes the time when you receive rejection …
Don’t forget to thank them for the lessons. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. We must count our blessings when people leave us in difficult times. God is there for the rescue. We are in spaces that are filled with strife but in truth it is the perfect time to call …
Words do matter, but it’s whether or not the actions back up the words that matters more. ~ Jen Bird Both words and actions do matter, and I can recall plenty of time I heard the words, and believed the noble intentions of the speaker, only to discover later the intentions were contrary to the words. ~ Diane …
Look deep inside yourself you just might find what you are looking for. That’s what I feel when I walk in Nature. It is my cathedral and my healing place. Do it right now, starting to do something good to our head. Plan to go some place to relax during this weekend, cheers. ~ Supakorn Santironnarong
There are times you need someone just to be beside you & let you feel your not alone. Don’t grieve for what you have lost. It won’t let you see the happiness within you. Keep going! Be Happy. Spread Love.That is what we are born for. It does get better with time. Different for everyone. A …