Category: Time
Those people are hard to find and harder to lose. Those that make time for you convey that you matter to them and value you. When they don’t, it speaks volumes. ~ Barbara Butler Cherish them because not many take time out of their busy lives to talk to you.
Be motivated & let love be stronger day by day with open mind. True love is better and happier when you are with them but when it’s time for them to go it does hurt after but will always be there inside of you. From me to my husband who is 53 today and the love …
Good friends don’t just stick together during worse time, they enjoy best times together. A true friend is had to find. Anyone that sticks to you in time of trouble do not hesitate to welcome he/she in your arms. ~ Rex Anyaoha
Sometimes leave great sadness than those whom we have known for a long time. ~ Marmoura Alex It’s human nature! We have a relatively short attention span making us put more value on those who are impacting our lives at the present and more often than not. We tend to forget those who’ve impacted us in the …
They are easy to spot. They are the ones always making excuses and can’t find time in their busy schedule. If they really love you there are no excuses and they always make time. ~ Lynn Labelle If a person can’t make time for you they are spending time with someone else. ~ David Velasquez
It will take as long as we prolong the process by our own impatience and instant gratifications of the flesh. The time will come when we are spiritually, psychologically and emotionally ready to receive it. ~ Marlon Martin By “the perfect time” is meant the appropriate time and the appointed time after you have exercised patience. This …