Category: Time
Little broken, but that’s what life’s for. Putting our pieces back together. Broken crowns still colour the same. God chooses the broken ones to glorify the beauty and majesty of His work through them. God can achieve so much more through those who are humble than those who say in their hearts, “There is no God” or …
I tell my boyfriend this all the time, because we live together. I say I just need some time for myself and he gets so offended by it. Thinking I don’t want to be around him. That is not it at all. I think everyone just needs some free time to themselves, and there shouldn’t be …
Never give up on my dreams. The Lord will provide support if you don’t know, then maybe you should ask the Lord to help you. The universe works in it’s own awesome way.
To face hard times alone it builds on character, it makes a person that much stronger and wiser. One learns to be in control and not allow others to control the state of mind. It teaches to recognize your vulnerabilities and learn from your mistakes with out the influence of others. It also makes you more …
Those people are hard to find and harder to lose. Those that make time for you convey that you matter to them and value you. When they don’t, it speaks volumes. ~ Barbara Butler Cherish them because not many take time out of their busy lives to talk to you.
Be motivated & let love be stronger day by day with open mind. True love is better and happier when you are with them but when it’s time for them to go it does hurt after but will always be there inside of you. From me to my husband who is 53 today and the love …