Category: Time

Why relationships fail in life?

That’s part of a relationship. What’s important is that at the end of the day both of you still manage to solve each issues and finding ourselves fall in love all over again no matter what. ~ Mai Mai  Mistakes are human nature. If you’re going to point out someone’s mistakes, at least be willing to help …

The bad times in our life

Something good can come from something bad if you just look for it. If it had not been for hurricane katrina I would have not met my husband. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Always look for the good. ~ Norma Wiese  God has it all planned out, the storms are a …

Never forget 3 types of people in your life

I’ll never forget difficult times, my wife’s always there to help me on those difficult times, she is the one I will never forget. We have our ups and downs but we still manage to stand up for each other. We always help each other all the time and I’m grateful for that. ~ Ramon Ayala