Category: Time

If something is meant to be, it’ll happen

Everything that happens happens for the good. Nothing is ever just a coincidence here. Everything that happens is a part of a bigger plan, the plan of the Almighty! Everything will happen at the exact right time, at the right place and for an absolute reason. I have faith that God will give the best lad whom …

Don’t beg anyone to stay in your life

Need to remember that people have their own lives and it doesn’t need to include me in it. People come and people go but it makes room for even better and more awesome interactions. Allowing each other space gives you both the time to become better individuals and two better individuals make an even better couple! …

It’s very healthy to spend time alone

Do this moderately! Stay active in things you like and enjoy to stay happy. Being lonely too much is not healthy. Staying active is good for mind, heart and soul. ~ Norma MacLeod  Sometimes we are more alone with people around us than when actually alone. Too many people use you then shut you out of lives …

It’s a new chance to rebuild things

I’ve restarted my life several times and I’ll never regret my decisions. You will never know what you’re capable of until you step out of your comfort zone and free yourself of misery. God bless each and every one’s journey. Never settle for sadness. ~ Gayle Robb