Things that you cannot control or change

Things that you cannot control or change

The beach is the best place to relax. ~ Linda Pate 
The more we hold our feeling inside and not letting them out, the stressful we become. ~ Hawkar Kalary 
I wish that people would live by those words. I see so many people hold anger, grudges and bitterness to the point that it effects everyone around them. So very sad! ~ Diane Johnson 
Chances are you can’t change the world. Just do your part and behave well. ~ John Ingram 
If you have no control over something walk away from it. If you cannot do that physically then do it in your head. Life is far too short to stay hung up on things that you cannot change. ~ Louise Fisk 
Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, it just means you trust God to handle it for you and your highest greatest good. ~ Victoria Megale 

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