There are two types of pains

There are two types of pains

Some people get hurt but don’t change and stay in that same cycle. Others actually change either for a better life or for worse. ~ Sharon Iribe 

The pain I have hurts and changes me at the same time. It will get better with time and weather. ~ Laura Myers 

At this moment the pain I feel hurts tremendously & it changed me & also my view on the man I love(d) for years and I thought I knew. ~ Franc Clo 

The change can be for the better or it can be for the worse. Do not forget you withhold the mental toughness which route you take. ~ Selene Flores 

Very deep pains can hurts you so bad and it does changes you even if you try not to change, it does change you a lot. No words can explained the deep pains. People say pains change you for the better and stronger but the truth is pains can change to worse person. ~ Dell Burgess 

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