Most of the time people walk into someone’s life with the intention to destroy, by acting life they want to be your friend and before anything, they already know your sadness, your happy moment, without telling your pain, they already know that something is wrong, just to find a word from you about your situation so they can later come with force to make their plans work and finish with you for good. Be careful who you invite into your life as friends. ~ Gisele Joseph
The destruction will not last though. The courage they have makes it so that after everything is said and done, they wipe off the blood, bandage their wounds and turn to face the next battle. The heart will learn from the mistakes of the past and though it remains open to world it will take the necessary steps to ensure it’s survival. ~ Jessie Andrews
Many people allow these changes in themselves to affect others like a domino effect. I myself refuse to change my virtues despite possible consequences. ~ Dedre Vanatta
I am one of those people. I have all those virtues. Both family and people who I thought were my Friends did their best to destroy what they could not have, or understand. I’ll admit, it is not an easy life as even someone who says they love you, can quickly show their true colors because they cannot hide from the the fact that I see beauty, and I see ugliness in one’s heart, not their face. ~ Cary Majano
This is so real right now. I’ve always been a bit of an outsider, with a will to do things differently (not better, just different), to take risks, to try out new ways, walk new paths. Unfortunately this has made me very lonely and I haven’t to this day found another to share this “weirdness” with. Friends, even family – even though they may love me – are unable to understand. If I could chose my personnality and start anew I’d like to be conventional, “normal” if you will. It would be so much easier…