Tag: change

You can never change the past nor control the future

Beautiful valuable treasures indeed surpassing all the golds, diamonds etc. ~ Lilian Maina We all can learn from the innocent, innate, and natural love and compassion of children, unblemish by the world. ~ Sergio Vega We can create a better future by changing how we are and how we react to things today. ~ Nancy Vail

The best apology is changed behavior

My best motto I learned over the years is: Action speaks louder than words (when people or men show you who they are, believe them – the first time!) No use hanging around cheaters, losers, abusers or bad boys. ~ Lita Jacobi   

Emotional, mental & physical pain changes people

I don’t think they are talking about physical pain. Mental pain is the kind of pain that has no cure. You just have to trust God to give you strength to work through it. ~ Carolyn Rush  When it’s emotional pain, people don’t know what to say or how to act so they stop coming around. When …