Category: Strength

The strongest people cry themselves

Sadness comes in the night, but joy comes in the morning. ~ Kevin Shaw Experience helps you get through the next thing much easier and makes you strong. ~ Valerie Mcgill There is nothing wrong in crying. There is a big difference between a person who feel sorry for oneself, cry all the time, feeling negative most of …

People who act the happiest

The worse the situation gets the better one handles it is a sign of the most successful people. To turn a bad sign into a positive is the best medicine for a healthy and happy heart. ~ Samantha Angel Garcia Silence make you go through much pain so the best to do is to pretend to …

If you ever fallen down

Life is definitely beautiful and life can also be a struggle at times. But, I’m not sure I’d call it a beautiful struggle cause when your in the middle of the tornado, it’s not always fun. ~ Jacquie Breen  The beauty in the struggle is conquering & being triumphant over the battle that faces you. Victory is key. ~ Sherrita …