Category: Strength
Let go of the idea of what you want and be open enough to embrace so much more than you ever expected. Settling for what is easy is more often than not disappointing and not as sweet. ~ Alyce Brown My father once told me of a trick question he used in a college class on forest fire …
You build a wall and the good can’t come through. Put up a negative shield that the bad stuff bounces off and the good comes though. At least that’s what I try to do. ~ Kathie Williams This is how, throughout my long life, built fortress walls around my emotions that, while they’ve protected me throughout the …
Sometimes the immature person forget there is a storm where the umbrella needs to be shared. When poverty comes in the door, love goes out the window. ~ Patrick Quinn Going through the good, the bad, and sometimes the real ugly, only shows how strong, a husband and wife can be. ~ Kay Vanderwall Relationship is partnership, if …
Behavior & Character go hand in hand. Stillness and inner peace holds the key. Let no one steal your joy. You can’t change how other people act, you can only change how you respond. No good to go through life hating people. Some of the people don’t know you hate them and the one’s that don’t …
Keep smiling and forget about the rumors and drama. Not worth wasting your energy on it. No one can humiliate or hurt you without your permission. Just smile and walk away. It will drive them crazy trying to figure out what you are up to. ~ Warren Cooley Smile and it makes them mad. Why not if …
I am going through ill-health retirement with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) at the moment. What I have learnt, with all my counselling and Pure Hypnoanalysis is that it is very often the strongest of people that have mental health issues. It is the ones that over-ride their natural feelings, for whatever reason, and continue with …