Category: Strength

Hard times are sometimes blessings in disguise

The blessing at the end of every hard time, is getting through by God’s Grace. Sometimes you can be so focused & worried about old things, you don’t even notice how beautiful & bright the outcome of the new things is. ~ Fazlin Abrahams Holding onto the negative will cloud your view of the future. Live …

Sometimes your silent presence is more powerful

Sometimes you just can’t talk about it anymore. It’s nice to just have someone with you. If you can’t find what to say – PRAY- There are never empty words when you support someone in the presence of God & His Holy Spirit. He is the great storm calmer. ~ Tena Jones  When things are bad and …

Have a serious conversation with your heart

Most true and face reality and let go of that which is not helping you as a person. Past or present! I have learned it is all about moving forward. ~ Scott Swartz  Life is so good to be alone sometimes. It make your life so peaceful! There are times that you need to think deep on …

Smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength

Smiling makes you feel a lot better no matter what is going on with your life. I must have plenty of hope and strength because I try to smile through the hardest situations life brings. It makes it possible to breath through them. God is so good even in the hard times. There is always something …