Category: Strength
The blessing at the end of every hard time, is getting through by God’s Grace. Sometimes you can be so focused & worried about old things, you don’t even notice how beautiful & bright the outcome of the new things is. ~ Fazlin Abrahams Holding onto the negative will cloud your view of the future. Live …
Sometimes you just can’t talk about it anymore. It’s nice to just have someone with you. If you can’t find what to say – PRAY- There are never empty words when you support someone in the presence of God & His Holy Spirit. He is the great storm calmer. ~ Tena Jones When things are bad and …
Don’t let it make your heart bitter. We learn a great deal from peace. Such as how to love fully, live in the moment and become accepting!
I have two friends I rarely see, but we can talk and pick up a conversation like we have never been apart. ~ Vickie Martin If you got one because nowadays it’s difficult as there only very rare only on those belong on the same community who have the same learning about how to love the people. …
Most true and face reality and let go of that which is not helping you as a person. Past or present! I have learned it is all about moving forward. ~ Scott Swartz Life is so good to be alone sometimes. It make your life so peaceful! There are times that you need to think deep on …
Smiling makes you feel a lot better no matter what is going on with your life. I must have plenty of hope and strength because I try to smile through the hardest situations life brings. It makes it possible to breath through them. God is so good even in the hard times. There is always something …