If it’s about my life, no more replays in the past. I’ve learned my lessons well. That’s why I love myself more and I will not allow anybody to used and abused me again. Never again will it happen. ~ Evelyn Estipona
My experience with life was the same thing happened (maybe with different people) but the same lesson happened over and over until I was hit in the head with a cast iron frying pan, to which I responded “Ooooooh!” Ok. Now I get it. ~ Susan Spehar
It’s just like a game. You have to pass each level to be able to step up on the next level. Life is just like a game that we have to win. Life is a challenge, Life is a constant learning and Life is all about what we accomplished and when the time comes all of this is just a waste, because death is always a winner. That’s the painful truth. So, Live life to the fullest. ~ Rain Purple