Some people you aren’t close to anymore

Some people you aren't close to anymore

Some people are only in your life for a ‘season’ — not meant for the entire journey!
I have no issue shutting a door & locking it on those who do nothing but bring drama, dishonesty & negative energy to my life. I’m very much a lone wolf, with the exception of my close family, but my life is 100% more peaceful & I adore that. ~ Emma Lewis 
These are the kind of people who will shake your hand and stab you in the back with the other hand. They say they are your friend to your face, then they go behind your back and talk crap about you. Friends like that I do not need anymore in my life And it’s not only friends, it’s family too. I have to keep my circle positive and keep the negative out. ~ Tracy Beebe 
When you rid your life of negative influences and the people who chain you down with unreasonable obligation, then you become free to be at peace with yourself. ~ Mary Monroe 


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