Category: Respect
True friends are the ones that respect you and defend you no matter the situation. So many people like to denigrate others when they are not around, and quite often this is merely a hobby for so many – so fun to trash others and they seek other like minded damaged individuals to do it with. …
Those people are hard to find and harder to lose. Those that make time for you convey that you matter to them and value you. When they don’t, it speaks volumes. ~ Barbara Butler Cherish them because not many take time out of their busy lives to talk to you.
Being open to each other’s ideas and saying what’s on your mind. It should never be a guessing game when you are in a relationship. Communication should be added to that list: Verbal and otherwise. ~ Shalena Gill My husband and I are best friends. We talk about everything and do not keep anything from each other. …
A healthy relationship adds to your life, not takes away. A healthy relationship desires that two people share these things. A healthy relationship facilitates and fosters togetherness, not independence. Two halves don’t make a whole. Two whole people make a relationship. ~ Kim Alcala When you spend some time apart on truly separate interests (say he goes to football …
Being disrespected repeatedly is not fun. It wears you down and breaks your spirit. You also must respect, appreciate & value them or walk away because if you can’t see the reason for treating them nice then they are wrong for you. ~ Debi Berryman Surround yourself with positive, successful people, and get rid of the negative, …
This must be repeated over and over again in front of a mirror. We have to ignore things we dislike sometimes due to different issues. Many people have no self respect but blame others for a lack of respect. Respect yourself first so that others will respect you. It’s when another demands that you must be …