Category: Relationship

Relationships aren’t designed for selfish individuals

When a relationship doesn’t last it’s someone’s fault and it’s because they couldn’t/wouldn’t work with their partner, and expected their partner to work for them. ~ Unknown The human condition is such that most of us are selfish on some level. Relationships are designed to “help us work through that conditioning” and learn how to be “loving.” When you know …

When Relationships is strong?

Not all good friends become lovers, but all lovers must be good friends. ~ Paul Mc Closkey Being friends first makes for a longer, healthier relationship. You know what you’re in for, that way. ~ Kristen Behrens  Relationships are stronger when you grow together as friends and lovers. The passion is the strength that keeps it together. ~ Zermeno …

Why most relationships fail?

Let it hurt and let it go. Move on, be happy! Selfishness is the greatest curse to relationships. Relationship will grow and last if there is trust and respect. You must add lack of communication to this. Always talk to each other about everything. ~ Joanne Pierce  Lack of self-esteem is also a relationship curse. It causes …

Trust can take years to build

Trust never can be built again. Trust like a tear falls and never returns to your eye. ~ Sara Moustafa Someone with a big heart, can trust the person even after proven wrong in the first attempt. It’s not because he wants to be proved wrong again but it’s because his feelings for that person are true. ~ Debapriyo …

Always love straight forward people

People can be straight forward without hurting others. Just be honest, take the persons feelings into consideration. Use your filter on your mouth. People talk way too much, and make comments on things that are unnecessary. ~ Nancy Field  Just try not to be angry, try not to worry, and try to be grateful. Do your work …