Category: Relationship
They all have a reason and a purpose, some to stay close to us and be treasured until death parts us and others to drift off, after having completed whatever it was they were sent to us. Everyone who enters your life, even if it is only for a short time, will leave something that has …
Best friends first, relationship second, makes perfect sense. A soulmate does not mean you will walk by each other’s sides forever always. To me, it means having a quiet understanding, a peace, an ease of communication that exists whereby you accept/challenge each other in some way. That brings about personal growth and awareness of some kind. …
Sometimes leave great sadness than those whom we have known for a long time. ~ Marmoura Alex It’s human nature! We have a relatively short attention span making us put more value on those who are impacting our lives at the present and more often than not. We tend to forget those who’ve impacted us in the …
Better to be alone than to be with somebody who makes you feel worthless. Find the right one then you feel worth and happy. Be content with yourself and be proud of your strength. If somebody else does come along, it’s ‘icing on the cake.’ Don’t be so insecure that you need someone to be proud …
Life is too short to not reconcile with people who matter. Take time to correct yourself and don’t be ashamed to apologize if you are wrong. This act will give you peace of mind. ~ Aurea Limbauan If that gap is not filled in time it creates a big hole which is sometimes difficult to fill. ~ Sehar …
Family is made up of the people who love, support, give you hugs when you need, listen to you and care about you. These people are not necessarily blood related, for me they are my closest friends. ~ Lee Beck Sometimes there are family members that are so mean and vile you have no choice but to …