Category: Relationship

When people say they love you

Letting go and trying very hard to just live for today. Trying to let go of the past, and not think about the future. Put my dreams to rest for now. ~ Moira Spooner    My motto is don’t have expectations, that way you won’t be disappointed. ~ Lea Hahn   

No one is sent by accident to anyone

Nothing in our life happens by accident. Everything is part of our fate. No one should ask why things are as they are. This question will be answered at the right time. No one should ask why things are as they are. Everything in creation has it’s purpose. ~ Evelyn Estipona  Some people are sent to test …

There are some people who will understand you

I can not explain this one enough, but I am living proof today that there is someone out there for all of us. It is incredible how many doors close behind us and one door opens in front of us. ~ Chantel Sharma I’ve learned that those who don’t understand you are those who hear what they want …