Category: Relationship
No matter how hard you try to communicate with someone, if their ears and hearts are closed for you, they will not understand anything. ~ Alcuizar Barredo The ones who won’t listen are the ones who never cared, instead of talking I’ll just write a message or look them straight in their eyes. ~ Jessyline Maquito The people …
Sad how we find out in tragedy who your real friends are. Those we think are our friends are the ones that disappoint, those we think are not our friends surprise us. I won’t forget the true friends. ~ Rosanna Coglianese Never forget those who excluded you and were too busy to be bothered. So few people …
Just wait for the right time and the right Love in the right time. God’s will is still the best. ~ Lany Ones It can be out there but, most importantly it should be your own arms, your own eyes and your own heart that will do all this for yourself before you seek someone else to …
Love keeps us going for our loved ones. We all live for the beautiful things that makes our life worth it. Life is so beautiful, just live one day at a time and appreciate even little things in your life. When you are in love and are loved by close friends and family, life is a …
A good friend is the best listener. There is always someone who is ready to listen us, to understand us & waiting for us. If you find someone that can do that. Keep them in your life. I’m surrounded with good family, relatives and friends who feel what I’m feeling, doing and sharing everything they can …
That is also a good test to really see who is meant to be. People who want to stay in your life will always find time to keep in contact with you. Maybe they are meant to stay in the past, so just move on. Unless letting them “catch” up will only slow me down again. Some …