Category: Relationship

Do what you did in the beginning of a Relationship

The quote doesn’t mean you have to stay exactly the same, never growing nor changing, that would be boring and unnatural. It simply means, have respect, courtesy, patience in the early days, for a while you are on “best behaviour”, you don’t criticize, are co-operative, attentive. Continue with all these things, make your partner feel special …

Cutting people out of your Life

Sometimes necessary to remove the negative of life and make room for the things that you love or Love it self. So don’t feel sad, your not a bad person. You just give all, so the other one space to grow. ~ Jaana Rehnman  Some people take your energy and put you in a negative place. Sometimes …

If you find yourself often chasing after someone

These should come without asking otherwise it doesn’t gain respect and true value. One can give love, attention, affection without expecting or needing it in return. But never chase it. ~ Tricia Anderson When they give it and take it back it is even worse – you lose a lot of trust and love in another person. …

Relationships are like Birds

It’s just like you play guitar when the strings are tight or loose, but when right adjusted, sounds pretty well. If you love something, turn it loose. If it comes back it is yours but if it doesn’t come back it never was yours. Hold with care build a nest and stay happy together. You should …

The last person you think of at night

A relationship with God and the person who is special to you plus you makes a threesome. If you twine you three together, your relationship with the special someone is stronger than ever. Ask God to come into your relationship. ~ Leticia Carbonell  The last person I think of at night is God and the first person …