Category: People

Don’t take people for granted

Real love never gets tired but increases everyday with great charm. If it gets tired it means it was not love just caring or just your outer material beauty which is just temporary. ~ Bhushan Shah We do not know how important some people are to us until they can’t being taken for granted any more, or neglected …

Who are said to be the Strongest people?

Strongest are the ones who can laugh and smile in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. Pain & Fear are normal feelings for humans. However exercising control over them separates the strong from the weak. ~ Olusoji Siwoku  Being strong to me is understanding why you need to be strong. Which is understanding that reason. Strong like …

Sometimes people’s cruelty subdue your spirit

Don’t let anyone steal your joy. Take control of your life! Make a choice on how you’re going to live with it. People that try to rob another’s joy through jealousy, bitterness or anger are to busy counting someone else’s blessings and not looking at there own. ~ Stuart Hall  If you let people decide how you feel, …

If people doesn’t appreciate you

Just make sure it’s really your best. That’s the question you have to ask yourself – Is it? For this to work, you have to hold yourself accountable. ~ Elizabeth Sisney  You should always do your best regardless others appreciate that or not and if you feel frustrated, remember that you’re doing so because you like to …

Why people come into your Life?

Just as we learn from our lessons in life. We also learn from the people in our lives we meet along the way, weather that be a good or bad thing. ~ Kelly Bayley  We learn and give to people we meet. Most don’t stay in our life forever. Best friends are forever. Treasured friends keep coming …