Category: People
Don’t forget to thank them for the lessons. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. We must count our blessings when people leave us in difficult times. God is there for the rescue. We are in spaces that are filled with strife but in truth it is the perfect time to call …
It’s easier to find the needle in the eye of others then the beam in one’s own eye. ~ Walter van den Heuvel Judging someone doesn’t make you any better. Some people are not happy with themselves so they find it easier to be critical to someone else. The sad part is that they genuinely think they …
I have known some who are negative all the time. Cursing God, cursing men constantly complaining, having a bad attitude about life in general, gossiping, belittling, just basically putting a dark cloud over people’s head. A true sign that they are not happy. You can try and try to help those people but they have to …
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes. Learn to take things with a smile and you won’t carry any burdens. ~ Harry Fosdick The pursuit of happiness. Pick people who are capable …
Words do matter, but it’s whether or not the actions back up the words that matters more. ~ Jen Bird Both words and actions do matter, and I can recall plenty of time I heard the words, and believed the noble intentions of the speaker, only to discover later the intentions were contrary to the words. ~ Diane …
Sometimes necessary to remove the negative of life and make room for the things that you love or Love it self. So don’t feel sad, your not a bad person. You just give all, so the other one space to grow. ~ Jaana Rehnman Some people take your energy and put you in a negative place. Sometimes …