Category: People

Sometimes quiet people have a lot to say

Sometimes, silence is more precious than gold. Some people feeds on the weakness of other people. Be careful on what you say and choose to whom you say it. Not because she/he is your best friend, sometimes best friends can be your best enemies. ~ Red Sparrow Not all people will understand the sense of what you …

When you delete the negative people from your life

Sometimes it is family that most take advantage of their ability to cause and manipulate negativity. If they repeatedly hurt you and kick you when you are down, you must let them go and build yourself a family of people who support you, raise you up, and bring love, light, and balance to your life. ~ Sharon …

People try to expose what’s wrong with you

It’s easier to find the needle in the eye of others then the beam in one’s own eye. ~ Walter van den Heuvel Judging someone doesn’t make you any better. Some people are not happy with themselves so they find it easier to be critical to someone else. The sad part is that they genuinely think they …