Category: People
It’s about being aware of what is necessary or not to you. Some people need to to have drama in their lives to feel wanted. Others don’t react to other people’s ideas of what they should or shouldn’t do. The thing to look out for is whether you gather more of the same kind of people …
When they want something they are as sweet as pie. It’s time to move on. Don’t waste your time on people that isn’t willing to waste their time on you. There’s always someone who deserves you out there that will treat you right and make you happy. Don’t ask to people to act correctly with you. …
Don’t react just smile & keep quiet. They don’t know what’s on your mind. Get over it and go on. Really helps to have folks that remind us we do not have to change to make someone else happy. ~ Linda Nelson Sometimes if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards the situation. It’s a …
Silence & smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems & silence is the way to avoid many problems. When you’re facing a terrible keep the most beautiful smile and then everything will pass. No matter what we do, we can never satisfy everyone’s expectation. If you spent your life concentrating …
What we say about ourselves dies with us. What others say about us, is immortal and lives forever. Life is too short so we must do all the good deeds to other people especially to our family in order that when we vanish in this world, those people we have rendered good will never forget us. …
Let the hater’s hate. It’s their ugly self manifesting to themselves. Concern yourself with love and let their hate hurt them, not you. ~ Firuze Yilmaz If they do hate someone, it’s really them hating themselves for whatever issues they might have, so the best we can do personally is just go on with our lives and …