Category: People

Even the nicest people have their limits

Some people confuse kindness for stupidity. We can always be nice. What I have learned both personally and professionally it is more about setting healthy boundaries and expectations for others on how to treat you or your business/team and being fully transparent instead of expecting others to read your mind or pick up on your frustration. …

People who spend time looking for faults in others

We all have faults and need to deal with them before we talk about anyone else’s faults. I have plenty of faults therefore I do not judge others. Best to work on myself which I continue daily. ~ Tammy Neagle  That’s funny because the people finding the fault never think they have any. They need to get …

Love is what changes us

Love changes people. It makes them do things they never would have done before. Manipulation & control is not love. Love & acceptance equal change in a person. Even if you love them they won’t change, if they didn’t want to change. You can’t change other people. You just can’t, so give it up. Either like …

Always love straight forward people

People can be straight forward without hurting others. Just be honest, take the persons feelings into consideration. Use your filter on your mouth. People talk way too much, and make comments on things that are unnecessary. ~ Nancy Field  Just try not to be angry, try not to worry, and try to be grateful. Do your work …

Fake people have an image to maintain

Real people love you for who you are, but fake people love you for what you have. The sad thing here is that those who cultivate a false image are generally deeply ashamed of who they are. Perhaps we should be more compassionate. It takes courage and the willingness to risk rejection to be your authentic …

There are two kinds of people

It is better to be a giver than a taker. Unfortunately, the takers are so oblivious that it doesn’t bother their sleep at all. Some give and don’t know how to take, while others take and don’t know how to give. I have lived my whole life as a giver. So easy to get out of …