Category: People
How others see you is not important. How you see yourself means the world. When you’re making big decisions, remember, what you think of yourself and your life is more important than what people think of you. Stay true to YOU. ~ Amanuel Misganu If someone is not happy with you, it’s not your fault. Long as …
Outlaws survive, the weak die, the strong fight on and the average fall behind. ~ Derrick Leong Appreciate all of them as they come into your life for a reason! You shouldn’t blame people because you should think that the events happening in your live are coming from the God and these are examinations for you to …
I have made a wonderful friend half way around the world and she has helped me deal with so much that I could never have shared with my family and friends living right here. ~ Shirley Murray Just give yourself the chance to be the one who everybody love to be with to share with to be …
It is always better to have the few good friends than be with the one’s of which you can’t trust. You can count your true friends on one hand. Discernment will let you know along the way who is a true friend or not. Pay attention! Real friends rarely come by. They are like uncut diamonds. …
So many who make promises and don’t keep them. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Don’t make promises if you can’t keep them, best say nothing.
Sometimes leave great sadness than those whom we have known for a long time. ~ Marmoura Alex It’s human nature! We have a relatively short attention span making us put more value on those who are impacting our lives at the present and more often than not. We tend to forget those who’ve impacted us in the …