Category: People

People drift in & out of your life

The name of the game is to denounce the characters and their own values. When they reveal their true colors which tell you a lot about themselves, it makes a story you may not even have expected. If it’s a good one, you continue. If not, you know that you just have to close that chapter …

Ignoring people who threaten your joy

Some are so unhappy with their own lives (or don’t have a life) that they try to make everyone else miserable. ~ Tammy Myers    Just distance yourself from them. It’s not your responsibility to make others happy. It’s your responsibility to make yourself happy.  

Love straightforward people in life

Straightforward people expresses what’s there in their mind and they don’t hold on to anything. Life gets easier if you say what you mean, mean what you say. Our relationships get better if we are along with this kind of people. Nowadays, people doesn’t express if something is bothering them and it hurts them if they …

Some people will always thrown stones in your path

Our obstacles are our greatest opportunities!   I would build a bridge because it could be be a bridge to a new an exciting path a new journey a wall can be knocked down but a bridge you can rebuild and make it as strong as you would like leading to amazing journeys. ~ Melissa Kanski    …

Once you learn how to be happy

Sometimes I find myself in situations where my internal reaction is anger, irritation, or defensiveness. So I “check” myself. I remind myself not to internalize the feelings of others. I’ve actually told loved ones: “You can communicate your truth & your feelings, but that doesn’t mean I will accept or ‘own’ your feelings as my own.” …

People who judge or talk about what people do

Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen. It’s about accepting that whatever will happen it’s for the best.   No time for people who are negative or who want to gossip about other people. People who gossip only start trouble because they can’t tell the truth anyway and it’s good to stay positive …