Category: People

You will find one person who will love you

The ONLY one “who loves with so much sacrifice, surrender and gives so much that it scares you” in my opinion is God and personally, I am eternally grateful. Beyond that, “in your lifetime” “you will find and meet “one” person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know”….(hopefully, there …

Never forget 3 types of people in your life

I’ll never forget difficult times, my wife’s always there to help me on those difficult times, she is the one I will never forget. We have our ups and downs but we still manage to stand up for each other. We always help each other all the time and I’m grateful for that. ~ Ramon Ayala   

Some people you aren’t close to anymore

Some people are only in your life for a ‘season’ — not meant for the entire journey!   I have no issue shutting a door & locking it on those who do nothing but bring drama, dishonesty & negative energy to my life. I’m very much a lone wolf, with the exception of my close family, …