Category: People
People who have a true best friend are very lucky. Can’t say that I’m lucky. Most people in this world are fake and could care less what happens to you. Even those who claim to be your best friend, so watch out! ~ Elle Bee
We all need money to survive and pay for needed things or care for others. Material things are truly temporary. Love, spiritual life and where our spirits will be after we leave this temporary earth are the most important! ~ Annette Angel
Action speak louder than words!
You should be careful how you treat people because they’re human beings and it’s the right (ethical) thing to do. ~ Marty Zaleon Be kind only because it is the best representation of yourself! Treat people as human beings, not as “things”. What you do to others, you do to God.
It is hard to see the good in the people who are deceitful and create rumors and lies in your life, trying to destroy any self confidence, but I am reminded they have fear in their hearts that is why they act out so childishly and painfully on others. ~ Leslie Hood Through life you will meet …
Actually being straightforward can also hurt people. So it’s best to keep sensitive matters such as a person’s weight to yourself. Honest is the best policy until it becomes a personal attack. It’s best to keep things positive, especially with so much violence in the world. ~ Kimberley Wilder I’m “straightforward”, with tact. There are people that …