Category: People
They are leaving some one else alone & what they don’t know they will make it up. Enjoy life & don’t care what others think. ~ Debbie Janak Give some people anything to talk about & they obsess and run a lifetime with it. As if they do nothing. ~ Beverly Myrick There are some people in your life that …
Need to remember that people have their own lives and it doesn’t need to include me in it. People come and people go but it makes room for even better and more awesome interactions. Allowing each other space gives you both the time to become better individuals and two better individuals make an even better couple! …
Truth is people don’t appreciate good people anymore. Learned that in life, but I will always try to be good. ~ Anna Pugliese
When you hang out with someone you should not always check on your phone because it’s very disrespectful to others. ~ Angelina Ieng YOU OWN THE PHONE; THE PHONE IS NOT THE OWNER, YOU ARE. IT IS YOUR DECISION. ~ Rosario Larion
“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that he is stupid. ~ A. Einstein
They are the ones that you need the most in your life because they know you best or see what you don’t see. ~ Faye Stirn A person can sit there and act like they enjoy your company, but it’s the amount of the effort a person makes to being a part of your life that means …