Category: People
If only more people “walk their talk” and not merely “talk & talk”, the world will be a much better place than it is today. ~ Apple Teodoro Without words or language there would be no action. It’s the development of language that gives action coordination and meaning. They are as important as each other in …
The worse the situation gets the better one handles it is a sign of the most successful people. To turn a bad sign into a positive is the best medicine for a healthy and happy heart. ~ Samantha Angel Garcia Silence make you go through much pain so the best to do is to pretend to …
SMALL Minds discuss PEOPLE, AVERAGE Minds discuss Events, GREAT Minds discuss IDEAS, so those who spread rumours are having small minds, then YOU & ME are in a better position or higher if not in the highest level because we are discussing IDEAS and BRAINSTORMING for PROGRESS and SUCCESS, then who is much more BLESSED? ~ Grace …
“All people come into our lives for a reason. It may be for seconds, months, years or a lifetime. Each of these has a specific task to complete within our lives. Once their task is complete, they will leave our lives, whether we will it or no. Sometimes the leaving is through the grave, sometimes with …
True friends and family will never let you face them alone. ~ Randy Hovanec We need someone to be with us when we have problems to get some support then we can overcome our challenges. People seem to leave when you are thrown in to problems as divorces etc. All you need is some support and just …
When a brilliant mind speak, someone will get hurt, but when a kind heart listen, there’s always comfort & hope. ~ Aileen Suarez You’ll never learn if you don’t listen. May everyone have a special heart that listen and choose to be kind and sensitive to others people feelings. Try not to say a single words that …