Category: People

In the end, people will judge you anyway

You have to live with the person in the mirror. Live your life impressing the Lord our God. What other people think of me is none of my business. ~ Mark Twain  When people talk behind your back, you are way ahead of them. Do what in your heart you feel to be right, for you will …

People that often criticize your Life

People take an image of someone’s past and apply it to their future without thinking that some people actually have the ability to change and become a better person. ~ April LePotvin  They could be the people you have so arrogantly judged over the years and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” …

Pain Changes People

Pain is a great spiritual teacher. ~ Eckhardt Tolle Pain makes us stronger if you utilize it properly. Some people it makes better, but some people it makes bitter. Physical & emotional. Emotional pain takes a toll on the body & physical pain on the emotions. Vicious circle. Pain changes you when you don’t understand the role …

Good relationships don’t just happen

“Too many chefs in the pot”. A good one is when the two enjoy what they are cooking for each other only in their pots. No additional recipes needed. ~ Unknown Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. ~ Maya Angelou Too many people think …

Why some people are not open to everyone?

I’m not self-centered, just self-conscious. ~ Unknown There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a reserved quiet person who is not attention seeking. Personally, I certainly wait until I feel I am with a trusted like-minded person before I reveal what I’m all about. That is not being fake, that is being smart. Close friendships take time …

The right people will love the real you

Sometimes being yourself scares others, that’s their loss. Inside is a beat up person wearing a heavy shell around. ~ Margaret Hinkle  Change isn’t necessarily wrong if you’re changing for the better. Don’t change so that other people will like you, change so that you will love yourself. Why be lazy or afraid of change? Strive to …