People who respects you when you are not around

People who respects you when you are not around

True friends are the ones that respect you and defend you no matter the situation.

So many people like to denigrate others when they are not around, and quite often this is merely a hobby for so many – so fun to trash others and they seek other like minded damaged individuals to do it with. Pity the poor person who happens to be the brunt of their nastiness. So often it goes hand in hand with an over inflated ego and paradoxically low esteem, they are trying to make themselves bigger by making others feel small. ~ Diane Hogan

If they disrespect you in front of your face. Tends to hurt a little and makes you stop caring because you know they do it when they are not with you. ~ Teresa Thompson

Doesn’t matter if he/she is in front of you or not. There should always be respect, trust, and you should never have to worry or doubt one another. ~ Joann Cassese

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